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After NYSC Relocation What Next 2025?

After NYSC Relocation What Next? This is a question many corp members will ask about having processed NYSC relocation successfully.

In this article, we are going to provide you with credible answers to questions regarding NYSC relocation, redeployment, and procedure

What NYSC Relocation Is All About

It is the dream of every graduate going in for the compulsory NYSC service year to be posted in the state He/she prefers.

Unlucky for you, NYSC posts you in a state that is not of your choice, let’s say, you wish to serve in Abia state but it happens that you are posted to serve in Kano state.

You can apply to NYSC to change where you are going to do your service year through a process called Redeployment or Relocation

NYSC allows you to relocate. Change of state or redeployment based on marital purpose or health concerns is possible and allowed.

Reasons For Relocation/Redeployment

There are several reasons one would want to do the relocation, the most common reasons are

  • Due to Insecurity in the state
  • Cost of living
  • Married couples may wish to relocate to where they can stay with their spouse
  • Job availability
  • Health challenges
  • Age and other factors

How To Apply For NYSC Relocation

The process of NYSC redeployment is very simple. while carrying out the online registration exercise, the platform provides opportunities for married women and people with life-threatening ailments not only to indicate their status but also to upload their evidence and get automatically posted to their spouses’ places of domicile or health facilities respectively.

This is the first and stress-free method you can get relocation. By this, you will claim married when registering for mobilization.

Then, you’ll be required to upload some documents. NYSC will post you to your husband’s state without further processing or follow-up.

For those who want to use health issues as an excuse to relocate, you’ll select POOR when asked about the state of health during the online registration.

You’ll be asked to upload a doctor’s report too. Then, you will be posted to the state of the doctor or hospital in charge of your health.

Nevertheless, corps members are allowed to apply for relocation on marital or health grounds while in the orientation camps.

Relocation is done electronically. After the camp relocation, all other relocations are carried out three (3) months after the orientation course.

The corps members must apply online and the State Coordinators appropriately recommend online too before the relocations are affected. However, as a policy, all relocations stop six (6) months into the service year.

NYSC Relocation Letter Sample

After NYSC Relocation What Next?

I have successfully carried out my NYSC relocation what next?

Once your relocation has been approved without delay, travel to your new state (where you have been relocated) and submit your letter of relocation to the NYSC secretariate where the LI will give you a new PPA (primary place of assignment) in the new state you have relocated to.

Let’s say, for example, Cynthia is posted in Kebbi state but she wants to serve in Osun state, so she will have to apply for NYSC relocation, and once approved, she will travel with the relocation letter down to Osun State NYSC secretariate where she will be assigned a PPA in the state.

Advantages of NYSC Relocation

Below are some possible advantages of NYSC relocation

  • Higher allowance
  • Securing employment
  • Good way of living
  • Medical Issues
  • Marriage unity
  • Family unity
  • Good security

Disadvantages of NYSC Relocation

As sweet and easy as it may sound, NYSC redeployment comes with certain disadvantages, including;

  • Cost of transportation and stress
  • It gets you travelling from one state to another again (Accidents may happen)
  • Issues with monthly allowance could arise
  • You may not fully enjoy or get the best 1-year service experience
  • You may end up in an unfavourable environment

Frequently Asked Questions About NYSC Relocation

Frequently Asked Questions About NYSC Relocation

Below are common NYSC relocation questions answered.

How Long Does NYSC Online Relocation Take?

NYSC relocation is done online, after the camp relocation, all other relocations can be done 3 months after the camp orientation exercise. At this point, you must apply to the state coordinators respectively.

How Will I Check If My Relocation Is Approved?

To check if your relocation is approved kindly visit the official NYSC portal, log in to your account, and your profile you can check regularly for updates.

Can I Cancel the NYSC Relocation?

You can still cancel if you have changed your mind after applying for relocation and getting approval.

To do that,

  • Travel down to the state secretariate you have been relocated to
  • Give them reasons for your interest in cancelling the relocation application.
  • You’ll be asked to write a letter with the title “Cancellation of Relocation Application to Name of the State”.

Wait for a few days and you will be informed by the last state that, your relocation has been cancelled. Then, you can return to the first state you were posted.


The processes of relocation application and cancellation (if needed) must be completed within 3 months. Relocated corps members must report to the new state within 21 days of the approval.

NYSC Relocation After 3 months

NYSC Relocation After 3 months

If you fail to apply for NYSC redeployment during the 3 weeks in Camp, NYSC makes it possible to apply for NYSC relocation 3 months in your service year.

However, you will have to give credible reasons why you wish to apply for relocation after 3 months in your service year. Acceptable reasons are

  • Health Issues
  • Security
  • Marriage

To apply for NYSC relocation, visit your nearest Local Instructor or the secretariate where you are serving and tender a letter to them.

I Applied For NYSC Relocation And My State Code Changed

It is usual for your state code to change after carrying out the relocation process. Once your state code changes, go to your NYSC secretariat in the new state and they will take it from there.

I Applied For NYSC Redeployment But Was  Given A Different State

Let’s say, for example, you apply for NYSC redeployment to be transferred from Kano to Enugu state but on getting the approval letter, you were relocated to Akwa Ibom State.

If you find yourself in this situation, kindly report to any nearby NYSC secretariat as soon as possible.

NYSC Relocation And Monthly Allowance

I have successfully relocated to a new state but how can I receive my monthly allowance?

Visit the secretariat in your new state and they will assist you in opening a new bank account for your monthly NYSC allowance.

Can I Apply For Redeployment Twice?

Yes, you can apply twice but this will come only if you have a credible reason for your relocation

Are Saturdays & Sundays Included As Part of 21 Days Countdown for Redeployment

Yes, Both Saturdays and Sundays are included in the 21-day countdown to report to your new state of relocation even though they are not working days


Conclusively, NYSC relocation is simply a way of applying to NYSC to change your state of primary assignment if you are unlucky enough to be posted in a state not conducive for you.

I hope this article has answered your question as regards what to do next after a successful NYSC redeployment and other related questions.

Benjamin Targba


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  1. I camped at Benin then filled form to be relocated to Abuja but was given Niger state. I cancelled from my portal while at home today. hope it’s fine.

    1. sir I camp in Abia state and filled relocation form to Lagos state since December 2023 and still showing in progress
      what next to do

  2. pls sir,I camped in delta State and relocated to Enugu State. I have printed my relocation approval but I don’t want the relocation again,I want to return back to my state of deployment.
    What should I do?

  3. Hello sir I relocated to Abuja and it was approved 3 of December so I document yesterday 21st December and my state code has changed. I want to ask after the 21days will they cancel the relocation on site even after have documented at secetariat cause I believe they are the one wasting time..????

  4. Good afternoon sir I camped in Akwa ibom and I collected relocation form of which I was relocated to oyo state which I filled but I had change of mind to stay in Akwa ibom so i cancelled my relocation and went to secretariat to submit my letter and I was told to check keep checking my dashboard but I’m still yet to receive my posting letter

    1. Hello Blessing, just be patient and keep checking your dashboard

  5. Afolabi Tolani Yetunde

    Afolabi Tolani Yetunde
    Hello sir please I camp and in Edo and filled the incamp relocation form, they gave me Ekiti and I don’t like it so I want to cancel my relocation and go back to Edo state but is not working. So I don’t know what to do

  6. Bolarinwa Deborah

    Good evening sir, pls sir I did relocation but later cancelled it on my portal due to changing of mind and I don’t know the next step to take. Pls help me sir

  7. Hello, I relocated to Edo State for my NYSC program. I’ve submitted my Relocation letter, my Statement of result, my Green Card, my 2 passports and my Account number. I’ve also written my details in a Book the man in charge gave me. Now my State Code has Changed, but I haven’t seen my PPA, it’s been over a month Now. Hope it won’t affect me, and what should I do about it. pls help me

  8. Please sir, I camped in Nasarawa then Relocated to Akwa Ibom, the PPA I got it’s not favourable,I have been sleeping on the floor, I want to relocate to Lagos, and this is my 5th month, will it be approved

    1. Please I camped at Edo, and apply for incamp relocation and I was relocated to Oyo and I don’t want the state and I didn’t report Batch C Stream 2 2023. Can I still apply for Lagos relocation

  9. Ayegba blessing owole

    Please my state code have been change since on the 20th but have not seen my ppa letter, I redeploy to Lagos state

    will I collect salary

      1. Hi, I did in camp relocation but it didn’t work out but I was still persistent that I want relocation so I didn’t report at my ppa. But I have a change of heart now. Can I still go back and report at my ppa by January . I left camp on the 14th of December

  10. Am relocating to Lagos but i don’t have anywhere in mind for my PPA but i want a better PPA preferably hotel work

    1. I relocated from Adamawa to Ogun state I done documentation over a week now but not yet gotten a ppa hope it will not affect me

  11. I was relocated to my preferred state but they said I should get clearance from my state coordinator before I can print my relocation letter but I have already printed it before that appeared but I haven’t documented yet will I need to still get the clearance

  12. I was relocated to Ogun state this year November 2022, and have summited my redeployment letter to the secretariat and they told us to come back on January and we should be checking our dashboard for the date to come back and they said they will Email us and i haven’t Seen any massages on my Gmail even do my dashboard too… but orders has been seeing the the massages for when to come already

    1. @ Damilola, wait a little longer

      1. Please i have relocated from cross Rivers to Edo state where i was giving PPA in Edo but wish is very far from me and most important becos of my family and work.please can I still be relocate from my PPA in Edo state to a new state of PPA in Delta state

  13. I relocated from Ekiti to Abuja and it took effect from 20th July and will expire on the 9th of August making it 21 days. I’ve just done my documentation today the 3rd of August and expecting my state code to change but sadly, the officials are in camp until 9th of August when they’ll be back. How sure am I that my state code will still change hence my relocation will expire on the 9th?

    1. I was redeploy from Adamawa to Abuja on 25 Nov which I went to state sectariate and summit my approval relocation letter and other documents wen I change my dash board I saw approval on 17 December as if it was approved on 17that December,is they need for me to still print it again after I summit those documents,am confused

  14. Please my state code have been change since on the 20th but have not seen my ppa letter, I redeploy to delta state

    1. Wait and keep checking. It will surely reflect

      1. I did not write my name in a book of life before I exeat the camp due to health issue..
        can I still write it in a place they will relocate me

  15. Hello I did my relocation since on Friday and I haven’t seen any approval on my dashboard please what can I do

  16. I did relocation since on Friday and I have seen any approval on my dashboard what should I do please

  17. Hello my name is a 2021 batch C stream 2. I CAMP at Kaduna and relocated to Kano from CAMP but I find the environment unfavorable ,I have a serious issue with my LGI and he’s putting eys on me ,I ask him to change my PPA he refused I worked it out but he went to secratariat and make them return me to the old PPA. Now I want to Relocate to another state and I am working on it, assuming I successfully Relocated to anew state and got my state code would the LGI be a problem to me ,did he have the power to return me back to Kano when I successfully got a new state code from the new state. I was so scared because the man is hunting my life and hes my LGI

    1. I want to work in a particular firm in the state I relocated to…I am yet to process my documentation at the secretariat.

      Please what procedures are involved?

  18. Thanks for the write ups….After relocation,how long does it take yo get a ppa and can I go my clearance at any local government?

  19. i did my relocation online since friday but it still says my request is processing , i just want to know if it takes that long before they actually approve it or what ? how long is it supposed to take before i get an approval of relocation from them ?


    1. No specific timeframe Sunle. Just wait

  20. If I don’t go to the state I’m relocated to within the 21 days what will happen cause I got relocated to a state I didn’t want and I’m trying to redeploy to another state but my 21 days will be over this Sunday

    1. my relocation has been under processing for a month now and it has not been approve ,and have not resume to my ppa at all for like 2 month,am hoping my relocation will be approved.hope it won’t affect my service stuff

  21. Did my relocation and it’s a week now I submitted my documents at d new state secretariat and my state code hasn’t changed yet. Is it supposed to take that long?

    1. Helo in, Just be patient, it will surely change. You can also inform your secreariate

  22. Nwankwo Cynthia Chihurumnanya

    After my relocation, I Have not gotten a PPA yet.What should I do nd hop it will not affect me cos of clearance??

    1. I did relocation and I saw congratulations your relocation has been approved, but I was told that to print relocation letter am to collect clearance from my state coordinator what will I do??

      1. @ Cynthia, Please visit your state coordinator

        1. Pls which state coordinator are we to visit for the clearance to print relocation letter? Is it the previous state or new state coordinator?.
          Also someone said I av to wait for the relocation to reflect on my portal it true?

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