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How To Calculate Both GPA & CGPA in Nigeria Institutions

Are you a fresher or a Starlite seeking how to calculate GPA and CGPA in Nigeria? Over time, students do indulge in the habit of accusing lecturers/examiners of wrongful calculations of their GPA and CPGA which in the actual sense they are ignorant of the processes involved in calculating.

As a matter of fact, some students don’t even know the meaning of GPA/CGPA let alone know how to calculate it.

However, this article tends to critically explain how students in Nigerian institutions can possibly calculate their GPA/CGPA themselves. Happy reading!

Prior to this time, students are not literally interested in how GPA/CGPA is being calculated. This is probably because of the erroneous belief that it is complex as some students even pay their counterparts for the calculation.

How To Calculate GPA and CGPA in Nigeria

Before a vivid explanation of how to go about the calculation, what does GPA/CGPA mean?


GPA stands for grade point average. It is the grade point for your first and second-semester results. You need to know the score you got for each of your courses to calculate the GPA of either semester.

Below is a sample of the first and second-semester results of a first-year student in the University.

First Semester Course Outline

Course Code Course Title Unit
ACC 101 Elements of Accounting I 2
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 3
PHI 101 Introduction to Logic 2
MAN 101 Principles of Small Business Economics 2
MTH 111 General Mathematics I 3
MAN 141 Elements of Business Economics I 3
GSP 101 The Use of English I  2
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
Total 19

First Semester Result

Course Code Course Title Score Grade
ACC 101 Elements of Accounting I 46 D
COS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 75 A
PHI 101 Introduction to Logic 66 B
MAN 101 Principles of Small Business Economics 43 E
MTH 111 General Mathematics I 54 C
MAN 141 Elements of Business Economics I 87 A
GSP 101 The Use of English I  49 D
GSP 105 Natural Science I 57 C

First Semester GPA Calculation

Point Course Code Unit Grade Point Unit x Point Total
ACC 101 2 D 2 2 x 2 4
COS 101 3 A 5 3 x 5 15
PHI 101 2 B 4 2 x 4 8
MAN 101 2 E 1 2 x 1 2
MTH 111 3 C 3 3 x 3 9
MAN 141 3 A 5 3 x 5 15
GSP 101  2 D 2 2 x 2 4
GSP 105 2 C 3 2 x 3 6
Total 19 25 63

You will divide the total point by the total number of credit unit loads for the first semester.

Total Point = 63

Total Unit = 19

GPA = 63/19 = 3.32

Second Semester Course Outline

Course Code Course Title Unit
ACC 102 Elements of Accounting II 2
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 2
BF 101 Introduction to Finance 2
MTH 112 General Mathematics II 2
MAN 142 Elements of Business Economics II 3
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
Total 15

Second Semester Result

The table below shows the second-semester result we would for the calculation.

Course Code Course Title Score Grade
ACC 102 Elements of Accounting II 65 B
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 56 C
BF 101 Introduction to Finance 44 E
MTH 112 General Mathematics II 59 C
MAN 142 Elements of Business Economics II 78 A
GSP 102 The Use of English II  49 D
GSP 106 Natural Science II 81 A

First Semester GPA Calculation

Course Code Unit Grade Point Unit x Point Total
ACC 102 2 B 4 2 x 4 8
PSY 101 2 C 3 2 x 3 6
BF 101 2 E 1 2 x 1 2
MTH 112 2 C 3 2 x 3 6
MAN 142 3 A 5 3 x 5 15
GSP 102 2 D 2 2 x 2 4
GSP 106 2 A 5 2 x 5 10
Total 15 23 51

You will divide the total point by the total number of credit unit loads for the second semester.

Total Point = 51

Total Unit = 15

GPA = 51/15 = 3.4


CGPA stands for cumulative grade point average. It is an addition to your first and second semester GPA.

Now the final step is to add the GPA of both semesters and divide it into two (2) to get your CGPA.

Semester GPA
First semester 3.32
Second semester 3.4

CGPA = First semester GPA + Second semester GPA / 2

CGPA = 3.32 + 3.4 / 2 = 3.36

Final Year CGPA

The final year CGPA is an addition of your CGPA from the first year to your final year divided by the number of years of study.

Below is the CGPA of a student from the first year till the final year.

Level CGPA
100 3.36
200 4.5
300 3.9
499 4.7
Total 16.46

Final CGPA = Total CGPA / 4

Final CGPA = 16.46/4 = 4.1

Nigerian University Grading System 

Nigerian University Grading System 

Up to this present moment, the grading system in Nigeria tertiary institutions uses over a hundred scores.

Thirty (30) marks is for continuous assessment while seventy (70) is for examination score.

Before you learn how to calculate GPA and CGPA in Nigeria universites, you have to first understnd and follow the gradic system.

Below is the grading system for Nigerian Universities;

Score Grade Points Remark
70 – 100 A 5 Excellent
60 – 69 B 4 Very Good
50 – 59 C 3 Good
45 – 49 D 2 Pass
40 – 44 E 1 Fair
0 – 39 F 0 Fail

Class of Degree: Graduating class limits are as follows;

  • First class: 4.5 -5.00
  • Second class upper division: 3.5 – 4.49
  • Second class lower division: 2.49 – 3.49
  • Third class: 1.50 – 2.48
  • Good Academic Standing

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Conclusion: How to Calculate GPA and CGPA in Nigeria Institutions

Knowing how to calculate GPA/CGPA yourself helps to keep you in track. Most universities release GPA lately while students who don’t know how to go about the calculations still go about with a casual attitude towards academics while students who know the calculations/result already put in more efforts to actualize a better GPA/CGPA. Remember, you should not fall below 1.0 to be in good standing as students who fall below 1.0 risk possible withdrawal from the school management.

Gideon Agbaja
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  1. CGPA is TCE divided by TCC and not the average of all GPAs like you calculated for the Four semesters

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