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Things Needed For NYSC Camp: 2025 Checklist

If you are a graduate who is looking forward to going to the NYSC camp, this post will give you an information guide on the list of things needed for the NYSC camp (Requirements) as well as things not to take to the NYSC camp.

It is the dream of every graduate to serve Nigeria through the National Youth Service Corps.

Now that the federal government is paying 75k as a monthly allowance for all serving Corpers I am sure you would not want to miss your share, lol…

The NYSC call-up later comes with lots of excitement that could make you forget your sorrows, in fact, it is the best letter one could ever receive.

However, you shouldn’t let the joy of going to NYSC Orientation Camp make you forget the necessary requirements to carry along.

Things Needed For NYSC Camp (Requirements)

Things Needed For NYSC Camp

You will have to undergo a 3 weeks period at the NYSC camp before you will be posted to your place of primary assignment

Below are things you should take to the NYSC camp

1. NYSC Call-Up Letter

Your NYSC call-up letter is very important while going to the NYSC orientation camp. You should not attempt laminating your call-up letter because it will not be approved.

However, you should always keep it safe and protect it as your whole life depends on it. On no account should you forget to take your call-up letter along while going to the Camp.

You need to go with the original copy and 4 photocopies (coloured) of your call-up letter. NYSC will send this letter to you a few days after online registration.

Lastly, your NYSC call-up letter should always be first on the list of things needed for the NYSC camp.

2. Final Year Student ID Card

It may sound like a Joke but your final year student ID card is very important. If you don’t have a school ID with the reason being that you lost it, you should visit Student Affairs to get another ID for you.

You will have to make 2 photocopies of your school ID card and also carry the original copy with you.

However, NYSC does not accept Departmental ID cards

3. Statement of Result (B.SC or HND)

NYSC wants to confirm that you have graduated without any problems, so you will have to present your statement of result for verification.

You are expected to carry your original and make 4 photocopies of your Degree or HND statement of result. If the original certificate is not yet ready, you can go with the statement of result and it will be accepted.

Polytechnic graduates within Nigeria are allowed to go with both ND and HND statements of results while Medical Doctors, Pharmacists, Optometrists, or other medical professionals, can bring the original copy of the registration certificate with the Nigerian Medical Council, Pharmacist Board or Optometrist Registration Council and evidence of completion of houseman-ship or internship.

4. NYSC Green Card

The NYSC Green card is an online registration printout slip. It’s printed after online registration showing that your registration is successful and will also be used for physical verification.

You should not forget to go with the original and (4) photocopies of the Green Card to the camp. And lastly, do not laminate your Greencard.

5. Recent Passport Photograph

I know you are lazy when it comes to facing the camera but in this case, you Should go with at least 8 copies of your most recent passport to the camp, a white background will be preferred. Your Passport is very vital and among the things to take to the NYSC orientation camp.

6. Medical Certificate of Fitness

Your medical certificate is also very important and makes the list of things to take to the NYSC orientation camp. This certificate declares you fit enough to undergo all the activities in NYSC camps such as Man O War, Platoon Match Past, Drills, and the rest.

Take with you 2 copies of any medical certificate of fitness from a clinic or hospital declaring you fit and ready for camp.

7. Uploaded Documents

If you are a graduate from another country you should go to the camp with the originals of all documents you uploaded during the online registration process. These documents are also essential NYSC camp requirements

Other Essential Things To Take To NYSC Camp

These items are not compulsory but they are very important because they also influence how you stay in the camp.

Below are essential items to take to the NYSC camp (Checklist)

1. White Shorts, Round-Neck Shirts, And Inner-wears

While staying in the camp, NYSC will also give you 2 pairs of shorts, however, they may be of poor quality and may not size you well. So You need to plan ahead and make provision for at least 2 more pairs of shorts.

You will wear this outfit every day until the 21 days are completed in the NYSC camp.

2. Toiletries

These include antiseptics, insecticides, towels, sanitary pads, mosquito nets, pampas, etc. These are essential to help protect you from skin infections and diseases.

3. Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Bath Soap & Sponge, Detergent

Don’t tell me you would not like to have a cool bath or brush your teeth each time you wake up every morning in the camp, so you need at least 2 toothbrushes, toothpaste, a sponge, and soap as well as detergent for washing.

4. White Tennis Shoes & White Socks

NYSC will make provision for this but however, you should get another extra for yourself that sizes you. Always ensure to get leather shoes that you can easily wash and dry at anytime

5. Mosquitoes Net

Mosquito is not your friend and will always be your enemy. No one would like to fall sick of Malaria while at the camp, therefore, don’t forget to carry your mosquito net along.

6. Torchlight 

You cannot always depend on your phone as your source of light so you need a good torchlight.

7. Padlocks 

My dear friend, not everyone you meet in the NYSC camp is mature enough not to steal, most of them started stealing in secondary school so those stealing spirits are still inside them.

You wouldn’t want to lose any of your important belongings to thieves right? So get a good padlock.

8. Your Phone and Power Bank

There is always a need to have access to your phone and at times light may not be constantly available so you need a powerbank to boost it up.

During the NYSC camp period, you will discover most rooms only have a few sockets and since you are not allowed to bring in an extension you will have to be making use of your power bank otherwise you will be charging your phone almost every day at the Mami Market

9. Waist Pouch

Having a waist pouch is essential because it will let you keep your money and other important items such as phones, money, ID card, keys, ATM cards, and more.

10. Money! Money!! More Money!!!

Wahala for who no get money for NYSC camp. Money Stops nonsense and so you need some cash in the NYSC orientation camp to sort out some things.

You will be needing money for things like food, photographs, and other money-demanding issues.

In a situation where you are unable to carry some of the basic things you need to camp, you will have to get them at the Mami market at a very high price.

In case you fail to report to the NYSC camp on the scheduled date, you will be asked to carry out NYSC revalidation. If you report to Camp and fail to complete your camping activities you will still have to do Remobilization.

List of Things Not Allowed In NYSC Camp

Below are certain things that you should not take to the NYSC camp

1. Television Set

Even if your Father owns a television channel, my friend, just keeps your TV at home and don’t bring it near the camp

2. Pressing Iron

You are not going to a boarding school, so keep your pressing Iron far away from the camp.

3. Bicycle/Motorbikes

You could get yourself in deep trouble with soldiers if you bring bicycles, or cars to the camp

4. Laptops

Laptops are not allowed in the NYSC camp so you should learn to stay without your laptops. Even if you are a Yahoo boy that you need to keep in touch with your client you should not bring a laptop to the camp.

For bloggers I know it will be a difficult moment for you to stay 21 days without your Laptop, however, you can always use your phone in your free time to do some basic things on your site.

5. Mattress 

This will be provided at the camp by the NYSC body so there is no need for you to bring your own.

6. Extension Socket

Stay out of trouble and don’t bring an extension socket to NYSC camp, but rather buy a good Powerbank

7. Knife

Do not bring a knife to the camp

8. Gas Cylinder/Stove

You will get a heavy slap for bringing a GAS cylinder or foodstuffs to the camp. Besides, you are not allowed to cook in the Camp. All foods are provided to you by NYSC.

9. Heater

You better stay off trouble!!

10. Condom

You may be digging your own grave if you bring condoms to the NYSC camp. Forget about those dirty stories of Corp Members having affairs in the camp and being good boy.

You can find out more about NYSC Certificate Number and Verification


There is Joy in serving as a youth Corper after graduating from college because it comes with massive benefits. I hope this post has informed you on things needed for NYSC camp as well as things not allowed in NYSC camp.

If you are a graduate and have served before, How was your experience in the camp? Let’s hear from you in the comment section below

Benjamin Targba


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  1. something else website owner, I really love how the way you have protected your stuff from being photo-copied, and the info was good too keep up the good work, i actually wanted to make a checklist for myself now i have to write down manually… except i found a way to bypass your security.

  2. I have my 300 level I.d card with me. I wasnt able to get one in my final year. Can I use it to go for nysc

  3. Okparuba Anne Jude

    Hello, please, when is the next batch going to camp? Asking to start getting ready.thank you.

    1. Thanks for your comment Jude, I suggest you follow official NYSC official handle on Instagram, in that way you will get latest updates

  4. Good day sir, my name was on the student affiars approved senate list but my name wasn’t on jamb matriculation list & i have done my regularazation & submited the form to the student affiars unit up till now no responce from jamb office. Pls sir Can i register for nysc?

    1. @ Alfred
      Yes, I think it’s possible for you to register for NYSC with the consideration that your name appeared on the Senate list. Thanks

  5. Pls oo in my jamb I registered with three names but my o level results and Hnd results are bearing two names can I still register for nysc ?

    1. Thanks for your comment Betty. I am not certain about that, But I suggest you try your luck

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