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Mojec Prepaid Meter Problems & Solutions 2025

As a sequel to the ever-increasing bill individuals who use black meter pay, people have been getting prepaid meters mostly called PPM. However, we must be aware that almost everything has merits and demerits as only the former or the latter can be much more than the other.

With MOJEC PPM being one of the topmost metering companies, let’s then examine the article “MOJEC Prepaid Meter Problems”. Happy reading!

MOJEC, a metering company, has over the years found its way to the top as it has surprisingly from smart card type to STS pre-payment type.

It has been in existence for over 20 years. With the nature of its products, Mojec meters are designed in such a way that it incurs low or no alteration from customers. It is mostly used by Nigerian Electricity Discos.

As with other meters in Nigeria, the MOJEC prepaid meter can be affected by faults and problems sometimes which in turn can hamper its functionality.

As explained earlier, the prepaid meter has been designed in a way that it can less be tampered with by customers.

To aid this, the meter comes with a manual that contains helpful information on the use and operation of the meter.

If however, you don’t have access to it any longer, below are some issues you can face with MOJEC meters and their solutions.

Mojec Prepaid Meter Problems

It will be so fascinating to know that with MOJEC prepaid meters, you will only get charged for what you use. As interesting as that may sound, some errors are inevitable with the MOJEC PPM. Most of these errors will be eradicated when the right processes are duly followed.

1. MOJEC Prepaid Meter Error Codes

Below are some of the errors you might encounter on your prepaid meter:

  • Error 6: This simply means you are either using the wrong key or that the meter has stopped working. To solve this, contact MOJEC customer care.
  • Error 1: This means that the meter RAM is having issues.
  • Error 2: Connotes EEPROM failure. Being a technical issue, you are advised to contact the constituted authorities for assistance.
  • Error 3: Power supply diode failure
  • REJECTED/Error 10: This means the wrong meter number
  • Error 12: This means a key pass error.

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2. MOJEC Prepaid Meter Tamper Mode Problem

A meter is said to be in a tamper mode when such a meter is unable to supply power, current or voltage due to some specified reasons.

The only valid and simple way of detecting this is when your meter can not supply power to the building/premises.

This is one of the most common issues with MOJEC prepaid meters. According to experts, there are diverse kinds of situations responsible for meter tamper mode such as:

  • Sparks from wrong connection;
  • Poor electrical wiring;
  • Open meter cover;
  • Unauthorized interference with the meter.

3. MOJEC Prepaid Meter Alarm Problem

The beeping sound of the MOJEC prepaid meter has projected itself as a problem to many users as they seem not convenient with the sound.

However, to solve this, dial 042 on your meter and press the enter/green/blue key, the beeping sound will seize.

AEDC MOJEC Meter Codes

The codes below are not error codes, they are only used on the Customer Interface Unit (CIU) to send commands and instructions to the meter to get info.


Credit Balance


Credit amount


Current date


meter number


Emergency credit


Previously charged date


Previously charged credit


Total charging amount


Disable audio alarm


Previous charged time


Previously charged token

How To Reset MOJEC Prepaid Meters

It can be frustrating to try all means and yet not work. If after trying all you could, it seems not working, you can then reset your meter following the steps below.

  • Press 990, then enter;
  • Press 0000, then enter, the response ‘Good’ should display;
  • Press 999, then enter. You should see ‘reset’;
  • Remove the plug under the CIU, and plug again;
  • Load the token again, by then, all issues should be settled.

Loading MOJEC Prepaid Meter

Credit units are purchased and typed on the meter’s customer interface screen. As you use your electricity, your credit balance keeps reducing daily until it’s finally exhausted.

However, if you have a credit token and want to top up, type in all 20 digits and press ‘enter’. Your meter will display accepted/successful, then you can start enjoying your electricity till it finishes.

If you get any response aside from being successful, then go through the meter problems and solutions above and get it fixed in a jiffy depending on the category of the error encountered.

MOJEC Customer Care Contact

Problems seem surmountable when you have someone to narrate such problems to. Having full knowledge that most of the problems can be resolved by MOJEC customer care, below are ways of making contact.

Lagos Office

  • 244/246 Apapa Oshodi Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria.
  • Tel: 014537736, 08174589132

Abuja Office

  • Plot 1335 Close Alexandra Cresent Off Mallam Aminu, Kano Cresent, Zone A7 Wuse 11, Abuja, FCT
  • Tel: 08174589132, 014538015

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Address of Airtel office in Abuja

Conclusion: Mojec Prepaid Meter Problems And Solutions 

Having issues with your prepaid meter seems almost impossible these days as the problems are a result of specified reasons which are directly or indirectly unavoidable.

However, with the help of this article, we hope most if not all of the PPM can be tackled rightly.

Benjamin Targba


Add a Comment
  1. I am trying to load my token saying link error , No data. Please what can i do

  2. Good evening sir/Ma
    My Mojec meter was just installed about a month ago but since last week there will be light on the meter and other people will have light but ours will be off. One of PHCN official told me it’s panel and it will cost #100,000 bearing in mind that this is newly installed meter I paid #222,500 for. Meter No:0125213410884

  3. Emelogu Emmanuel

    been trying to load my token and is telling me failed, please help me fix it


      i was trying to load my token , even to check balance … failed display …please help

  4. trying to input token it’s also telling me failed, what else should I do

    1. hello,
      Is it solved already? If yes, how did you do it?

  5. have been trying to input my token it’s showing no data an link error that what it’s kept saying since yesterday till now Wat can I do pls

    1. we’re you able to get a solution

  6. I can’t do anything with my Mojec prepaid meter.It keeps writing failed. Anybody with a solution should please reach out. 08100508503.

    1. I am finding it difficult to load my mojec prepaid meter.
      it keeps telling me ‘ failed ‘
      please. how can it be resolved?

  7. Yildum Domshak Micah

    My meter is showing no data if I put 5555 to pair the meter, so also I tried putting my token still telling me no data. The meter number is 0101210070682

  8. Yildum Domshak Micah

    My meter is showing me data

    1. why does my meter keep showing me failed
      no matter what I press what can I do??

  9. Please my prepaid meter I recharged today it said successful but it didn’t reflect and now I tried it again they said it’s been used but still there’s no light please someone should help

  10. My meter is Not work..but there is unit.most times when I press 5555 it will connect back..

  11. the mojec ciu box always display failed anytime I try loading token

  12. My meter did not supply light for but it will indicate on meter that there is light
    What I discovered is it occurs at low voltage
    But, in my area they give us low voltage always

    1. oluwagbenga benjami

      my name is. have trying to top up my mojec prepaid meter. But no toking to generate for the meter.i buy it from bank other company and is giving me the same. what can I do

  13. If you are having difficulties after linking your NIN with your meter number and your meter still says failed when trying to load token, Try this; Put a lithium battery in the meter box and connect it to the power source and wait for it to connect successfully, it worked for me this way, Note: it may not work without battery in the meter box and keep saying failed. Thanks

    1. Mine is not even connecting successfully, its showing failed.


      00.00kw h

      1. have you resolved this

      2. I’m experiencing same…how did you solve yours pls


        how did you resolve this please notify me .. i have thesame issue now

    2. good morning sir by meter box do you mean CIU

  14. What really happened if my account is not exist

  15. Please samuel where you able to resolve this because I am facing the same issue

  16. My meter keeps rejecting my token , what can I do ?

    1. oluwagbenga benjami

      my name is. have trying to top up my mojec prepaid meter. But no token to generate for the meter.i buy it from bank and from other company and is giving me the same. how can I get token for my meter

    2. Adeboye halimart ayobammy

      same here o

  17. If you can’t recharge your prepaid meter due to upgrading, kindly reach out to me via whatsapp 09034699762.
    please note: I don’t sell prepaid meter, I’m just an installer

  18. the same issues almost everybody are having, same thing am having, I can’t load a token, rather; it will be showing failed, I lay a complain to Ikeja electric but up till date, our technical are coming, I have been in the dark for more than 3 months now

  19. Good morning
    I’m having problems with my customer interface unit.its not charging up

    1. Good morning please I have problem with my Mojec meter. displays REJECTED while trying to load. also displayed REJECTED trying to reset with 990 0000 and 999. please advise me

  20. My prepaid mojec meter stop working due to wire spark, and I was advised to obtain another one.pls how can I pay install mentally

  21. I load my prepaid and I’ve been typing the token it keep saying failed. Pls what’s the problem sir’s/ ma’s

  22. If you are unable to recharge your prepaid or any issue with your mojec meter hit me up. If you also need a new CIU for your prepaid kindly chat me up on whatsapp 09034699762

    1. hello my prepaid meter isn’t showing any sign of connection all it shows if I try checking my balance or trying to recharge it only give response of FAILED what do I do

      1. I have load my prepaid meter and they have credit me but my light is not on

      2. The same challenge I have here. Please, does anyone have a solution to this???

    2. I have been trying to load my token since yesterday and to no avail , what’s happening,

  23. I think y’all happy seeing people screaming out of their lungs that your stupid little device is showing failed after input the codes same as mine and you have no solution to it here obviously. Nothing work out properly in this Nigeria and am not surprised when the battery signs are so different from the way it designed on the Mojec device. Very unprofessional!

    1. my mojec meter does not communicate when I wanted to laod. it has been taken away for over 4 months. Anytime I call the engineer, the meter is at the factory was is meter no is 45076326896 Engineer phone no is 08038418148

  24. After visiting phcn office, I was told nothing was wrong with my meter, and directed to get new batteries. I got new batteries, and plugged my meter into a neighbor’s socket, and the token was able to load.

  25. My token is not loading. Keeps saying failed. Please what can I do.

    1. My token is not loading…keeps displaying failed.please what can I do?

    2. my token I writing failed also to check the balance also failed I had complain at Ikeja electric they said the box is faulty ,how come something that didn’t fall on the ground.pls I need your response from ikorodu

      1. Nyodee Barika Justice

        I have just recharged my mojec meter, on loading the token, its written rejected. what could be the solution to such challenge?

  26. Please why will the light keep going off every now and then and there will be light in other houses that are not using prepaid meter

    1. Same as mine too

  27. I’m an installer, if your prepaid has issues kindly reach out to me via whatsapp 09034699762 location should be within Lagos and ogun thanks

    1. my meter is showing red at the top and not supplying.
      please Whatsapp me on 08037179088

  28. I loaded on my Meter account and fail,pls help me out 07035378237

  29. I’ve been trying to load my token and it keep on saying connect the. later failed.
    now my credit is exhausted and I can’t recharge.
    please could you help with this??

  30. good evening, my meter is showing error 06, and a times it shows reject. I have not been able load my token for 7Days now. what should I do?

  31. I am trying to load my token since it keeps saying failed. what is the problem please.

  32. how will you assist technician to get the failure diode. for error 3

  33. Ibrahim Ibrahim Yahaya

    Mojec is rubbish… It drain the token without usage

    1. that that’s not correct it’s either there’s an outstanding debts on the meter or someone has tapped your light

  34. Nkechinyere Egwuonwu

    I meter is showing error6 pls I need help
    My number is 08067751192

  35. I have EE, I don’t know what it means

  36. I have an error 6 on mojec prepaid meter

    1. There seems to be no communication between my CIU and the meter. How do I resolve the issue

  37. i changed my balance on a neighbors socket,my card got finished but if i recharge it seems the credit goes to my neighbours account ..i doesnt credit to me what should i do

  38. I want to recharge on my mojec meter and I input my meter number it is showing connect and failed for the past 6 days.pls what should I do contact me on 09121792457.

  39. my meter shows steady green and red light light and anytime I tried to load a token it reads link error I have tried using the 5258 code yet it is not resolving

  40. Good evening, I my prepaid metre is reading open . And not supplying light to the building.and I have unit.
    Pls kindly help out

  41. My prepaid meter i load the token number is saying error 06

  42. To all your complaints go to service provider’s office to get a new upgrading code. that’s the latest update on meters.

  43. Same situation as mine right now…

  44. Your prepaid service is nonsense … which is very frustrating… I regret having this meter … idiots

  45. Same happened to me.mine is that I have light but my CIU is not connecting with my meter. What will I do pls

    Please Whatsapp me on 08032637737

  46. my prepaid meter stop supplying light few hours after installation

    1. Please how did you resolve yours?

      1. Good morning plz I’m trying to pair my meter is not connecting, is saying Error 06,I mean mojec meter

  47. i loaded my prepaid meter and after I try to put in the token number it keep saying rejected I don’t even try to reset it I generated a KTC it rejected that too

  48. I tried entering recharge token into my mojec and it’s keeps saying rejected for all day. Pls what is the solution as I tried resetting my meter and I can’t get it done. Please anyone with help should contact my WhatsApp 07060701742 please I need a help

  49. Pls hav been try to load my token is said failed what can i do pls

  50. I am trying to recharge since yesterday afternoon till this morning and yet nothing. Ive used all the problem solving methods yet nothing. If it says connect, next is failed am tired already coz i didn’t sleep all the night.

  51. My CIU lost connection with the meter. I was away from home for a while, got back and realized that my unit has finished. I immediately recharged,and still doesnt have light.
    CIU saying failed.

  52. My mojec prepaid meter is not supplying light to the building, I was thinking is low unit I bougut 1500 unit is showing failed

  53. Abdulkabir adelubi

    Am having a problem with the contractor that’s in charge of the 7 mojec 3 fqce and single face meter installed at no 13a qina george obanikoro,he didn’t finish my his job so we are not having light since 2 weeks after the installation.
    Pls am waiting for yr response.

  54. Hello, please my prepaid meter is going on and off by itself. It comes on for one second and goes off for about 5 secs and it has been like this for days now. What do i do?

  55. I find it hard to load my prepaid every Saturday and Sunday. please what do we do, others are using light but we could not. we bought the pin already seems mojec switch off thier network every Saturday and Sunday

  56. Pls mine mojec is having a serious issue it lost connection how can I restore it back

    1. Hello Dabere,
      Pls, I am having the same issue too with my mojec prepaid meter. Have you been able to solve yours? If yes, I will need help from you on how to fix it.
      My number is 08079260290

  57. Sabina Onyebuchi

    Good day, pls I’m having issue recharging my prepaid meter, it seems not to be validating the customer’s name, showing error detecting the name, pls how do I resolve this as I need to recharge before it goes off. Thanks

    1. Good evening Sabina, please I’m currently having same issue which I have visited different Ikeja Electricity office issue still persists. Please what did you do to yours. This is my number. 07080053048.

  58. Please the Mojec prepaid meter brought to me about 3days ago was six I was detecting each one of the prepaid meter for the tenant but I switched it on and I off it to on it back is a problem the switch button the not go up what to do because my tenant is on my neck

  59. i have recharged and is succesful but still the light Didnt come up .what should i di about it

  60. The MOJEC prepaid meter is displaying connect / failed on the CIU until the energy units that came with it finished. How can we activate? We can’t check any information, we can’t recharge. Pls what can we do?

    1. Pls how did you solve this problem cos I have same issues roo

  61. Please I recharge my my perpaid meter,but I don’t have light in my flat

  62. I want to load my token the meter is displaying failed what do I do to load my token.

    1. I’m going through this and how am I supposed to rectify this issue

    2. You will first of all press the number in front of the card wait till it write success then reload the token

  63. I only load outof luck. the Meter interface always indicates an Err-6 message and a res light.It never updates the latest payment or answers to any query codes.

  64. My prepaid meter just tripped of after a day of installation

    1. My CIU pin pad for loading the meter is not working. How can I get help ,,?

  65. I want to load my meter token is displayed failed, what can I do ?

  66. Our customers interface unit of our prepaid meter is not showing light and is not displaying.what do we do to top up.

    1. The means the UIU is not yet plug into light, u can power it through batteries too

  67. Hello Admin, we live around council area of Idimu-Ikotun road. Our prepaid meter is not displaying any longer. I checked it last night it was still blinking. This morning in an attempt to check the unit balance, I discover it was not displaying. We have had Light since last night. We need to top up. What do we do.

  68. My meter is showing error 99,I don’t have light what can I do

    1. I’m living in Ado Ekiti my mojek meter is showing error 06

    2. how do I unlock my prepaid meter from tamper mode?

  69. The MOJEC prepaid meter is displaying connect / failed on the CIU until the energy units that came with it finished. How can we activate? We can’t check any information, we can’t recharge. Pls what can we do?

    1. Adebiyi, Christopher Abiodun.

      Last year, before we have this present constant Power outage, my Mojec prepaid meter got burnt due to the use of a then newly bought cooling box. I complained to IBEDC, Monatan, Ibadan engineer. The meter was removed and taken away for repair, but to no avail. I was thereafter advised to go for a new one. To get a new one costs a lot of money.
      Please, how do I get in touch with you for a repair of the said meter?
      Thank you!

    2. good day, am currently having same issue, pls how did u solve it sir?


  70. I’ve tried resetting but it’s not working,when I press 990 and press enter and then press 0000 it doesn’t show anything.

    1. What’s is happening to mojec prepaid meter
      I can’t buy a token from bank even any pos

  71. Bolatito Abdulsalam

    I have a problem about mojec prepaid meter it’s been beeping before I recharged and after recharging 3000 naira to it it’s still not supplying electricity what’s wrong pls??

  72. Good evening, pls i want to know if it is possible to have your power supply separated but still use the same prepaid meter that is three flats using the same prepaid meter but paying differently using the Mojec individually for each flat. i hope that you understand what i mean?……Thanks

    1. I HV been trying to load my token but it’s coming up, may be due to the exhausted credit on the meter but that is not the first time of loading the meter so what do I do now

      1. I’m living in Ado Ekiti my mojek meter is showing error 06

        1. My prepared meter is not supplying electricity into the premises and their is enough token on it even every electrical faualt has been checked but all to no avail.

    2. I HV been trying to load my token but it’s not coming up, may be due to the exhausted credit on the meter but that is not the first time of loading the meter so what do I do now

      1. My Mojec Prepaid meter seems not to connect. I can’t check balance, can’t load. No matter the code entered, the response is Fail. This has been happening since October 2022. I got the prepaid in July 2022.
        Please how can you help me fix this?

        1. Please how did you fix this issue cause I’m facing this same situation at the moment

          1. same issue. how can it be resolved, please.

          2. Have been trying to input my token and is showing failed what can I do please since yesterday ????

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