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How To Revalidate NYSC Mobilization 2025

NYSC revalidation is not a common thing as compared to other aspects of  NYSC. In this article, I will explain what Revalidation is all about and How to revalidate NYSC mobilization.

What NYSC Revalidation is all About

The NYSC Revalidation is a way of giving a second chance to potential corp members who failed to report to camp as instructed for them to do so.

The NYSC bye-law states that anyone who fails to report to camp after being called for service shall be served punishment.

However, out of mercy, NYSC decided to give every prospective corps member who failed to report to orientation camp a second chance. This second opportunity is what is known as the ‘NYSC revalidation’.

There are so many reasons why someone might fail to report to NYSC Orientation Camp having been shortlisted by the NYSC body.

Therefore, NYSC revalidation is only meant for people who fall into the following categories

  • Corp Members who failed to report to camp after they had been mobilized
  • The forgetful fellows who forgot to check their NYSC dashboard for their letter of mobilization. I have heard stories where people missed camp because they thought NYSC call-up letters would be mailed to them directly or sent via school, forgetting they would have to log in to their NYSC portal and print it from the dashboard.
  • Those who forgot the vital things needed in NYSC camp while going there and hence weren’t registered.
  • Those who went late to camp and got there after the registration period must have expired, so they were unable to get registered.
  • Anyone who had been mobilized and for any reason didn’t show up at camp or wasn’t registered at camp.

Furthermore, You must also ensure to have your state code number (a unique NYSC number that identifies your Service State, Year, Batch, and personnel number) with you. A State Code number looks like State/Year&Batch/personnel number, eg KW/17B/0001, DT/18C/1786

If you don’t have a State Code number consider yourself among the category of people who can revalidate NYSC mobilization.

Difference Between NYSC Revalidation and Remobilization

Difference between NYSC Revalidation and Remobilization

NYSC Re-Validation means you were deployed in a previous NYSC batch but did not show up in camp, that is you did not go camping at all. Please note that Revalidation doesn’t change one’s state.

NYSC Re-Mobilization on the other hand, means you were mobilized in a previous NYSC batch, you reported to camp but didn’t complete the orientation exercise or you left the state after camp.

People who are to do remobilization are those who attended the orientation camp, did all the normal registration on camp, left camp, or did not report to their Place of Primary Assignment (PPA).

NYSC Re-Mobilization is for those who dropped out of service for one reason or another. While Remobilization is majorly for those who reported to camp but could not complete the orientation camp activities and left due to reasons best known to them.

How To Apply for NYSC Revalidation

To apply for NYSC revalidation, you will have to follow those who are applying for mobilization.

Once a new batch of Prospective Corp Members are applying for mobilization, open the NYSC Portal and click on the Registration button.

On the next page, you will see the Revalidation option. Click on it and follow the instructions to revalidate your profile (usually only fingerprint recapture) and voila, you are done.

If revalidation is done within the same batch (maybe you missed Batch A Stream 1 Camping and apply alongside Batch A Stream II) you will likely be posted back to the same state. Else, if you missed Batch A camping and applied alongside Batch B or C, you will be posted to a different state.

How To Revalidate NYSC Mobilization

How to Revalidate NYSC Mobilization

On average, it takes the NYSC state secretariat about 5 months to declare a corp member as absconded and notify the main headquarters. This is because the LGI, ZI, and State Coordinator will have to verify that you have fled.

If you absconded immediately after camp without collecting any allowance (other than the ones paid at the camp) good for you. If you absconded from service after receiving an allowance outside the camp, you are refunding it. The steps to apply for Remobilization are quite stressful though.

You will have to make sure you have been declared as an absconded corp member else you can go back and continue service with an Extension of service. If you have been reported as an absconded corp member and remobilized, you will be posted to a different state for service.

To Apply for NYSC Remobilization

1. Travel down to the NYSC secretariat of the state you were posted (You can ask around for directives)

2. Once you reach there, locate the Office of Corps Discipline and Reward. Let them know you want to apply for remobilization and you came to check for “LETTER OF DECISION“.

If the state officials haven’t sent their letter of decision to Abuja, you will be given the option of returning to service with an extension for the number of days you have missed.

If they have submitted their decision, the head of the department will check if the National Headquarters has sent a letter of consent and decision to allow mobilization

However, If the latter has not arrived from the National Headquarters you will have to keep waiting for it. The Letter of decision usually takes about 3 months to return from Abuja (except you somehow manage to influence the speed, maybe by divine intervention).

If there is a letter of decision, good, if not you go home and return some other time.

3. Go to your bank (the one you registered for collection of allowee) and request for Bank Account Statement. ooThis will serve as evidence that you either received your monthly allowance or not.

If you did not receive any monthly allowance outside the camp, go to the next step. If you did, calculate how much NYSC paid into your account and refund via REMITA.

4. To refund via REMITA, go to a nearby Cyber Cafe and inform them you want to make REMITA payment to the TREASURY SINGLE ACCOUNT under NYSC, and select Personnel Cost as the Purpose of Payment.

Read Also;

States with Best NYSC Orientation Camp to Serve in Nigeria

How to Verify NYSC Certificate Number

Importance of NYSC in Nigeria

Conclusion: How to Revalidate NYSC Mobilization

Conclusively, NYSC Revalidation is for those who failed to report to the NYSC camp while NYSC Remobilization on the other hand; is for those who reported to camp but could not complete the 2-week stay in Camp due to one reason or the other.

I hope this article has provided the necessary steps to take to revalidate NYSC mobilization.

Benjamin Targba

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