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When An Igbo Man Loves A Woman

Igbo people are known to be the wealthiest and most successful ethnic groups in Nigeria. When an Igbo Man loves a woman he doesn’t panic to share all his wealth with him. It is believed that the Igbo people are one of the most romantic tribes to marry in Nigeria.

Love is a beautiful thing and without love, there is already no need for us to be existing.

Marriage on the other hand is a union between two parties coming together as one to share the rest of their lives.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have a wrong perception of what marriage and wedding are all about.

A wedding is an event while marriage is a journey.

Your family, friends, and loved ones are always present at your wedding but will never partake in the journey.

Many young couples plan for a mighty wedding but neglect the core aspect which is marriage, it doesn’t take any longer before we witness broken marriages and homes.

However, having an Igbo husband could come with so many blessings. It is believed the Igbos hardly cheats on their wives and they are known to be very committed to marriage.

The Igbos, Hausa, Yoruba, Tiv and are constantly regarded as the best tribes to marry as a wife in Nigeria.

But how do you tell when an Igbo man loves you?

When An Igbo Man Loves A Woman

How to know if an Igbo man loves you

1. He Consistently Seeks Her Advice

Have you ever thought for a second why many Igbo men are rich and successful?. well, the key to them being successful is having a good wife that they can always bank and share ideas.

When an Igbo man truly loves you, you become the center of his heart, and you have a share in all that he does.

God destined women to be their husband’s helpers that is why he create Eve to be a helper to adam. And it seems the Igbos always capitalize on this.

Before an Igbo man makes any decision of starting a business or any project, he will, first of all, seek the opinion of his wife., this also goes a long way to their children.

Even if the wife does support the idea the man will not prove stubborn but kindly adhere to whatever advice the wife has to give be it positive or negative.

If you are married to an Igbo man that displays this trait, then congratulations!!!, you are loved.

2. He Protects & Defends Her

Igbo people love privacy, and hate gossips, and do not usually engage third parties in their marriage.

When an Igbo Man constantly loves a woman, he is forever willing to protect her from public shame and always defends her publically.

Have you ever witness an Igbo man fighting his wife in public? I am not saying such a thing doesn’t happen but the truth is, it is very rare.

3. Igbo People Spend On Their Wives

Again, the Igbo ethnic group always ensure their wives are happy and satisfied in Marriage. No wonder the wealth of an Igbo man can be measured through his wife.

The Igbos prefer their wife to wear the latest designers in town while they spend less time for themselves.

You will hardly see an Igbo man’s wife dirty in public, they are well polished by their husbands, and society holds high respect for them.

As a wife to an Igbo man, If your husband possesses all these qualities then you are deeply loved.

4. They Breed Success

Very wealthy Igbo men want their wives and children to be financially independent and not rely on one source of income.

Many Igbo men engage their wives in businesses that will help them to become financially independent of the husband.

No wonder the Igbo people prefer training their children to acquire businesses than giving them formal education. No wonder the Igbos are far upfront when it comes to the top successful businessmen in Nigeria.

When an Igbo man loves a woman, he is willing to do everything just to build a successful family where everybody has something to do.

5. He Will Not Eat Outside

An Igbo man prefers to go a whole day hungry than eat outside his home. They are very committed to the meals their wives prepare and will prefer staying hungry if it means for them to eat outside.

If your Igbo husband shows this character then you are deeply loved by him.

6. He Will Not Cheat

An Igbo man that dearly loves his wife will hardly cheat on her. The Igbos are people of content and they are always happy with the woman they have and will hardly be seen womanizing. (Though not all anyways).

If your Igbo husband doesn’t show signs of cheating them you are loved, my dear.

7. Very Romantic

The Igbos are very romantic, they can go the extra mile to win the heart of a lady and are always willing to pay the price that comes with it.

An Igbo man will sacrifice everything to make his marriage work.

8. They Are Active Listeners

When an Igbo man loves a woman, he will always give listening ears to her and will respect her decisions.

9. He Speaks Boldly About You

An Igbo man has no reason for hiding you in public or his friends if he truly loves you.

When an Igbo man is deeply in love with you, he will always boast of you among his friends and colleagues to make them respect you.

If you really want to know if an Igbo man loves you, then you should consider this point too.

10. He Loves Your Parent

If an Igbo man loves you, he will always suggest or agree to the idea of going to see your parents once a year.

He will always support your siblings and other family members in terms of need.

How To Win The Heart Of An Igbo Man

How to win the heart of an Igbo man

If you really want an Igbo man to love and go crazy over you, below are some ways you can win the heart of an Igbo man.

1. Be A Queen And More To Him

While you expect an Igbo man to be your king, in the other way round be a queen to him and love him with all you have, be willing to sacrifice everything to stay with him and build a good family.

2. Be An Asset And Not A Liability

Do not be carried away by material possessions. If you want to win the heart of an Igbo Man, learn to add meaning to his life. make him see reasons why he shouldn’t leave you for another woman.

3.  Be Creative & Support Him

Igbo are business people, in moments when his business is not moving well, or in cases where he needs a strong decision to make about his life, family or business be a woman of creative ideas that will help him prosper in whatever he does.

In that way, even if you guys are not married yet, he will deeply fall in love with you and reconsider the decision to marry you

4. Speak Highly of Him

There could be moments when your Igbo fiance is not confident about himself or what he does, You are expected to make him feel special and loved, Never mock his source of income and always respect him publically.

5. Keep Your Relationship/Marriage Private

Igbo loves privacy and wouldn’t want any third party influencing their relationships/Marriage.

As a woman, try and build a strong mutual understanding between him and keep your affairs off public eyes and people’s opinions.

6. Pray For Him

Your biggest prayer point should be to let him prosper in whatever thing he does. be a blessing to him and he will love you.

7. Love & Respect Him

Love conquers all. If you really want him to love you be willing to love him wholeheartedly and always respect his decisions, don’t shout back at him, and don’t fight him

8. Give Him Stability

People go through difficult moments daily, be a woman that brings stability to his life whenever he is around you. give him that peace of mind he deserves and he will crave to have you.

How To Make An Igbo Man Happy

How To Make An Igbo Man Happy

These are some cool simple ways you can make an Igbo Man happy

1. Do Not Prioritize Your Pastor Over Him

Avoid prioritizing your pastor’s opinion over your man. Your paster should help you connect to God but he shouldn’t be the controller of your marriage.

2. Ensure Privacy

You should not disclose everything going on in your marriage to friends, family, and the public.

3. Cook for Him

An Igbo man will travel a long mile just to eat the best Igbo delicacy. One sure way to make an Igbo man happy is to cook for him, known his best meals, and cook for him regularly.

4. Be Suprising

Be surprising to him, keep notice of his birthday and remind him accordingly of important events. Known when you engaging conversations and know when to keep quiet.

5. Dress & Smell Nice

Whether at home or going out, always dress well and decent enough for him to always like you whenever he sees you.

Desist from tying rappers in the house and wear something that could get him to want to admire and touch you.

Nigerian men want a woman who knows how to take care of herself.

6. Be Super Good in Bed

Igbo men go through a lot of stress in the day and when he finally wants it, give it to him hot as he desires, in all angles and positions.

7. Wash For Him

It is the general nature of men to be scattred. If you want him to love you, be there for him to always arrange his room, wash his clothes and keep the environment clean and healthy.

Igbo Man Marrying Yoruba Woman

Love can be found anywhere and it is an unpredictable experience for people. An Igbo man and Yoruba tribe woman, live in the same country, but they are completely different from each other.
When an Igbo man wants to experience something different, he might try to date a Yoruba woman.
Why does it happen?

Reasons Why Igbo Marry Yoruba Women

Below are traits the Igbos see in Yoruba women that make them want to marry from Yoruba land.

  • Yoruba Women are respectful
  • Yoruba Women are very intelligent
  • They possess exceptional beauty
  • They are very committed to their husbands
  • Yoruba women are hardworking
  • They are good cooks

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Conclusion: When An Igbo Man Loves A Woman

In conclusion, The Yoruba, Hausa, Tiv, and Igbo people are the tribes in Nigeria with the best husbands. I hope this article has helped you in understanding when an Igbo man loves a woman and things you can do to make him love you.

Do hit the comment box if you found this piece of writing insightful.

Benjamin Targba


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  1. I must say that I have found my Igbo king living in Gambia. He is so loving and respectful. He always greet me in the early morning before I wake up. He makes it a point to address me with sweet names like babe..sweetheart..darling..his one and only…love… and darling. He notices the most simplest things about me whether I’m wearing makeup or no makeup or wearing earrings or not wearing. He is attentive. I love his accent. He is very caring and loving. I am visiting him very soon. I can hardly wait to soak up all this love this Igbo man has to offer. I will follow-up with another comment after my visit with him. So stay tuned for insight about my Gambia trip. Thanks for reading. By the way he is a man of faith!!!!

    1. Hello and congratulations. I wish you all the happiness. I to have found my prince in Gambia for 2 years now. He is kind and respectful. hopefully after I hear about your trip and safe return. I shall make the journey. thanks for sharing. I can’t wait to hear how your trip goes.

  2. Thank you very kindly ❤️ I am an American about to move to Nigeria to marry an Igbo man. I know he loves me as much as I love him and you just put a lot of insight into that. Him and I have never met in person yet but anything on your list that can be seen on a video call I see it. He ask my opinion on his business dealings. He calls me his respectful wife I really didn’t even know that that meant as much as it does. He says I encourage him and lift him up. He by far is the most loving man I have ever known and like I said we’ve never even met face to face but; he shows that through his words facial expressions and emotions. I am trying to learn all I can about his culture and about the beliefs of his people without consistently questioning him. When I use a word that I have learned or tell him of something that I read he is impressed that I’m taking the time out to learn about his people on my own. He is a Christian and I am always telling him that he is the second greatest man to ever walk on the planet after Jesus and he tells me that I am his full package gift from God. I can’t wait to become his wife. I do find it a little strange but welcoming that his friends and family and even people that we don’t have in common with like people that I follow or who follows me keeps calling me their wife. They say welcome our wife or welcome new wife of Nigeria.

    1. Congratulations Joy for finding your Mr Right

    2. Congratulations Joy, I am so happy you found a wonderful Igbo king!
      I have to fallen for an Igbo man and plan to visit him soon. I would love to talk and support each other in this journey if yiur interested. Gif bless you and your King, and I pray for happiness and prosperity. l

    3. Hello Joy,
      I have just found your story.
      Did you travel to Nigeria & marry the man of your dreams?
      I would love to hear how things worked out for you.

  3. Very informal. Thank you very much for the information. I enjoyed reading this.

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