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List of Items In A Provision Shop in Nigeria

Are you planning to start a provision store or shopping mart soon? This article will reveal to you a full list of items in a provision shop in Nigeria.

It s very important to go on market research on full items you will be needing to start your own provision shop or at least going for shopping in a grocery store.

A grocery store is more specialized and not as large as a supermarket. Supermarkets have countered with butchers, hand-cut artisan cheeses, and deli meats & fresh seafood, but grocery stores are usually more focused on a specific category of food or a targeted demographic, with a more limited variety.

Even if you are going shopping, it is important to have a list of items sold at a provision/grocery store before you end up forgetting things you wish to buy.

List of Items in A Provision Shop in Nigeria

Grocery items are supply items, non-food items, foodstuffs, and beverages, including, but not limited to, any or all of the following-

In no alphabetical order:

  • Dairy products (including, but not limited to, milk, yoghurt, ice cream, cheese, and/or any other items frequently found in the dairy area of a grocery store or supermarket)

(ii) Produce (including, but not limited to, vegetables, fruits, and/or any other goods frequently seen in the produce area of a grocery store or supermarket)

(iii) Coffee (whole bean, ground, and by the cup), tea, and candies (packaged, bulk, and chocolates, confectionaries, and other items commonly found in a grocery store and/or supermarket candy section).

(iv) Nuts, snack mixes, and other bulk foods

(v) Bakery products (including, but not limited to, fresh bread, sweets, and/or any other items frequently seen in the bakery department of a grocery store or supermarket)

Vii) Meat (including without limitation, beef, pork, and poultry)

(vii) Fish and seafood (including without limitation, fish, shellfish, and crustaceans)

(viii) Alcoholic beverages such as liquor, beer, wine, and/or other alcoholic beverages

(ix) Sandwich, deli, and quick-meal goods (including, but not limited to, sushi, deli meats, and deli cheeses); and

(x) Herbs, vitamins, and supplements

This article contains a comprehensive grocery list that is appropriate for most Nigerian households.

Categories of Items in Grocery Store

There are about 10 major categories of items in the provision store with other subcategories.

  • Fruits
  • Canned food
  • beverages
  • Frozen food
  • Dairy Products
  • Grains and cereal
  • Vegetables
  • Snacks and candy.
  • Condiments
  • Fat and oil


Fruits are the fleshy, sweet products of trees and other plants that contain seeds or seeds that are edible, fruits are one of the most common mini supermarket products listed in Nigeria.

Some of these fruits include;

  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Avocado pear
  • Bananas
  • Grapes
  • Pineapples
  • Watermelon
  • Mango
  • Tangerine
  • Carrots

Canned Food

Canned food items are usually perishable items that have been preserved by being stored in cans. In contrast to its fresh counterpart, canned food can last for a long time before it expires.

Below are some common canned food items found on the supermarket provision list

  • Tinned tomatoes
  • Baked beans
  • Sweet corn
  • Corned beef
  • Hot dogs
  • Green peas
  • Tuna fish
  • Green beans
  • Canned meat or Sardines


Beverages include all kinds of soft drinks both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. (though alcoholic drinks are really found in a shopping mart).

The following are some of the most common beverages found in supermarkets:

  • Chocolate drink
  • Tea
  • Carbonated drinks (for example, Coke, Pepsi)
  • Juice
  • Coffee
  • Smoothies
  • Chapman

Food Frozen

Frozen food is food that has been preserved by being maintained in an ice room or freezer. It is a type of grocery that can be bought in a supermarket.

Frozen food includes items such as:

  • Fish
  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Gizzard
  • shrimps
  • Meat

Dairy Products

Dairy products include all kinds of milk. They include the following;

  • Cheese
  • Yoghurt
  • Milk
  • Fura


Condiments are ingredients or spices that are used to season or flavour meals. Its main purpose is to complement and improve the food. It can be added to food during the cooking process or afterwards.

Below are some examples;

  • Salty
  • Ketchup
  • Mayonnaise
  • Curry
  • Thyme
  • Turmeric
  • Seasoning Cubes

Fat and Oil

Fat and oil are commonly recognized as one of the six food classes, but they are currently classified as a type of grocery found in any store. The following are some instances of fat and oil:

  • Cooking oil
  • Butter

Grains and Cereals

Grain (cereal) foods can be classified into four main groups, namely:

Bread: wholemeal, wholegrain, white, rye, pita, lavash, naan, focaccia, crispbreads, damper

Breakfast Cereals: Ready-to-eat, high-fibre (wholegrain) oats, porridge, wholewheat biscuits

Grains: rice, barley, corn, buckwheat, millet, semolina

Other products: pasta, noodles, English muffins, crumpets, rice cakes, couscous, popcorn, flour.

The Vegetables

Vegetables are plant parts that are utilized as food by humans and other animals. They are an essential part of the human diet, with several health benefits. Vegetables include the following:

  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Eggplant leaves
  • Scent leaves
  • Bitter leaves
  • Water leaves
  • Fluted pumpkin leaves

Snacks and candy

Snacks and candy are commonly referred to as “junk.” They are incredibly sweet artificial foods that children like. Here are a few examples:

  • Chips
  • Lollipop
  • Ice cream toppings.
  • Sausages
  • Burger

List of foodstuff Items in Nigeria (Home)

Having a list with you when shopping is beautiful, but this household and foodstuff shopping list makes it easier to purchase grocery items effortlessly.

Below are some of the common and widely used foodstuff items in Nigeria.

Soup Items

Under soup items, we have the following;

  • Egusi (Melon Seed)
  • Ogbono (Seed or powder)
  • Stockfish (Head or full body)
  • Dried fish ( Asa, Azu Okpor, Mangala, )
  • Cocoyam (Ede – soup thickener), Ofor (Soup thickener), Or Achi (Soup thickener)
  • Crayfish (dry or fresh)
  • Periwinkles
  • Dried Prawn
  • Snail (frozen or fresh)
  • Locust beans ( Iru)
  • Ogiri (Castor beans)
  • Ugba (for African Salad or soup)

Cooking Oil

  • Palm oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Groundnut oil
  • Soya bean oil

Nigerian Swallow

  • Garri  for Eba (Yellow or white)
  • Amala – Yam Flour
  • Cassava – Fufu (Akpu)
  • Pounded Yam
  • Plantain fufu
  • Wheat
  • Tuwo
  • Semo


  • Ugu leaves (fluted pumpkins)
  • Waterleaves
  • Ewedu leaves
  • Onions
  • Fresh Tomatoes
  • Fresh Pepper – Ata rodo
  • Okra (fresh or dry Okro)
  • Scent Leaves
  • Okazi leaves
  • Efo leaves
  • Oha leaves
  • Uziza leaves
  • Bitter leaves
  • Utazi Leaves
  • Zobo Leaves

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Conclusion: List Of Items In A Provision Shop in Nigeria

In conclusion, every Nigerian have a specific affinity for foodstuffs and ingredients.

Many people struggle to identify Nigerian foods and ingredients, and I hope that this guide can help you discover the full list of items in a provision shop in Nigeria.

Benjamin Targba


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    1. Augustine Chinonso

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  6. Hello,

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